Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

We would like to thank our clients, trade partners, friends, and family for being part of our year. We wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season.
Development Danger Zones: Avoiding Costly Delays

Development Danger Zones: Avoiding Costly Delays

The four tenets of Do it Together Development are all about one thing: reducing cost through proactively minimizing or, ideally, outright eliminating delays. Opening on time, on budget, or better is the stated goal of virtually every construction project. Yet, delays...
Do It Together Development: Protect Your Time

Do It Together Development: Protect Your Time

The last two posts on our blog focused on the first two tenets of what we call “Do It Together” Development. The tenets are “Build Your Team Early” and “Leverage Your Team’s Talents,” respectively. The reason that we encourage developers and owners to do those things...